cenografia_9TH SCHOOL
A group of eight French stage design students meet monthly at the Théâtre de Nanterre-Amandiers, to create together, workshop by workshop, the French schools' pavilion at the Prague Quadrennial, under the artistic direction of Philippe Quesne.
What is a scenography school? What can a school do? Can't we invent a school with no fixed space, no need to define itself and its territory, but a school that only functions when it's on the move?
A school of mobility, on the move and constantly on the move. In an attempt to reflect on these questions, our school, inside a truck, proposed a program at the Prague Quadrennial with a radio station, video-projections, performances, a convivial space... to talk about and reflect on the study of scenography today.
With : Ariane Chapelet, Bianca Dacosta, Léa Chardin, Simon Restino, Shehrazad Dermé, Clothilde Valette, Lucie Mazières, Estelle Baverel, Camille Ranson.
Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space, French Pavillion, 2019.